Public Health Textbook

The Public Health Textbook is an online resource which covers all the public health skills and competencies. It has been organised in relation to the Faculty of Public Health Diplomate examination (DFPH) syllabus. Although the textbook is particularly helpful for Paper I of the exam, the resource is also of benefit for anyone who is interested in expanding their public health knowledge. In addition to the textbook, you may find it useful to access the helpful tips and frameworks for passing the Faculty of Public Health Diplomate examination (DFPH). Public Health practitioners interested in resources for Paper II may like to view the interactive learning modules on critical appraisal and data manipulation.

NB:  Please note that examples are frequently drawn from England as many of the authors work from the English PH system.


1. Research methods appropriate to public health practice, including epidemiology, statistical methods and other methods of enquiry including qualitative research methods.

2. Disease causation and the diagnostic process in relation to public health; prevention and health promotion.

3. Health Information

4. Medical Sociology, Social Policy, and Health Economics

5. Organisation and Management of Health Care and Health Care Programmes from a Public Health Perspective

Further Resources